I offer exclusive in-person healings that incorporate all my unique and diverse teachings and healing modalities. I incorporate a unique mix of modalities into the healing session as I feel is needed or requested from the body’s communication patterns. Every session is different and varied depending on what you as the client bring with you into the session. Sometimes you will leave your session feeling invigorated and refreshed, others times sensations of meditative and deep cosmic connections are felt, other times you may experience a range of healing sensations that are a normal and positive sign of deep releases such as mild to moderate headache/body ache, needing of physical rest, high emotional releases(in any and all emotions from joy, anger to sadness), needing of alone time, vivid dreams and daytime thoughts, chills or sweats, cravings of foods and/or drinks. I prepare and incorporate pre and post care for every single in-person session and highly encourage every one of my clients to take this time as a self dedicated sacred space that is diving in deep to their needs, wants and opening them up their life’s purpose and work through a mix of physical healing as well as teachings that resonate with where their life story is guiding them while we are in a co-creation healing journey.

Benefits of Intuitive Healing & Online Teachings
Benefits range and vary greatly on each person’s pre and post care and attention to the teachings they are taking in. The more focus and awareness you bring with you to a session the greater value and benefit you will receive.
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My range of healing expertise includes and is not limited to:
Deep Tissue Massage
Core strength and deep tissue massage work with the deeper layers of facial and muscle tension to begin to redistribute lactic acid build-up and chronic tightness and fatigue in certain areas of the body. These areas can also store emotional stress, and when released, have the ability to create a deep healing effect on all levels.
Reflexology includes pressure and focus on the pressure points in the feet, hands & ears that open up and relieve tension through the meridians in the entire body! It’s truly all connected and fascinating how much is held in these powerhouse healing portals of our body. Depending on the needs & comfort of the client, work may occur on any of these areas with light or deeper touch/pressure.
Vibration Therapy
Vibration therapy is a powerful form of literally and figuratively “shaking things UP” in both the physical body and mental body. When the mind is given a vibration it often “forgets” to tighten to protect itself. This is extremely helpful for those individuals that have a challenge allowing themselves to relax and turn their minds off. In a way it gives the body a chance to readjust while simultaneously giving the mind something to focus on so myself as the practitioner can foster a deeper layer of healing and opening up creative portals in the body that sometimes the mind will unknowingly shut down.
Acupressure Therapy
Acupressure therapy is a form of pressure that utilizes the ancient meridian and acupoints in the body to encourage balance and harmony to occur in the physical body. This system works with minimal pressure, using fingers, thumbs, elbows and knees to compress and release tension as well as using a variety of stretch movements to increase space in the physical body so that natural adjustments may occur.
Yoga Adjustment workshop
Get ready to learn how to do adjustments for others and self while in specific yoga poses. Great class for Yoga instructors that want a more hands on approach to their classes, or just a wonderful in depth learning of connection to the body while in poses.
Hot / Cold Treatments
Hot/Cold treatments to activate a rush of blood to an area to increase and speed up recovery from injury or stress tension built up over time.
Hot Stone rocks are incorporated as tools that allow me to lean into the body’s need for relaxation and also to cater to the individual’s unique needs around temperature as the body goes into a form of healing where cold flashes may occur in the physical sensations. These stones are used for pressure, acupressure points, relaxation and focus areas to allow tight muscles the opportunity to relax and let go on a deeper level.
Reiki is a complimentary form of healing that occurs all around us at all times… this modality reflects the intention and realization of connecting to one’s self, environment and opening up to the layers of feeling that each person has the ability to tap into their own self-healing opportunities. This is my unique form of intentional reiki healing. My intention every time is to balance and hone in on the yin and yang elementals of the clients needs in both physical, emotional, mental and joy filled aspects of their universal creations. Leaving feelings of connection to their bodies with nurturing thoughts and feelings of respect towards themselves and others. This space is the opening to connecting to a deeper layer of self reflection and exploration into choices, behaviour and patterns that are either working or not working for the client. From here the client needs to activate their belief systems and choose how best to proceed forward with this opening and healing potential they take into their daily lives.
Sound Healing
Sound healing occurs with the use of tuning forks &/or frequency music being played in the background of your session. Can open and close a healing space in a very gentle and powerful way. I use different forms of vibrational music & tuning forks to foster this higher level of frequency within the massage space. Sound waves influence our development and state of mind in many ways, being able to amplify the effectiveness of a client’s session while easing in and out of a session slowly.
Yoga & Creative Movement
Yoga and creative movement in the body is all about the experience and guidance of the person and my intention as a guide is to honour and host a space that allows you to feel into Your body and the wisdom that is intertwined within your cellular structure. Yoga for me is so much more than a physical movement of the body… it incompasses the weaving flow of all parts of your essence and can be done in a way that is filled with movement or literally is filled with mind movement (form of seeing and feeling a movement from within the mind’s eye and has the ability to benefit the physical, mental and emotional through visualization.) My form of Yoga is very unique to my over 20years of teaching and learning many forms of yoga that have resonated with me on a deep metaphysical way. I host my classes and yoga style according to this inner guidance and teach from a place of knowing and trusting which I honour as a main part of my teaching style to empower my students to do the same.
CranioSacral therapy, combined with core strength and deep tissue massage, harnesses the power of gentle touch and shifts that can create dynamic improvements in life holding patterns in both the body and our behaviours. These therapies release tension deep in the body’s central nervous system, protecting, cleansing, and healing your brain and spinal cord. Every stress (physical, emotional, and mental) is absorbed through the body’s soft tissue, which has an uncanny ability to sense its environment on an intuitive level. It sends you signals when something is wrong or right when we are tuned into this hypersensitive form of body communication, making it a powerhouse of useable information. When we are disconnected, it can be an overwhelming experience of tightness, tension, and built-up pain held within the tissues. Over time, the soft tissue becomes increasingly resistant to releasing and letting go. However, with specific and gentle manipulations of the soft tissue, core strength and deep tissue massage can facilitate a re-connection, allowing the body to rebalance its internal flow of fluid and regulate internal communication.
Psychology of eating for mind
Psychology of eating for mind, body and heart based nutrition. I lean into my teachings of needs, desires and wants when it comes to the perspective of food and how it correlates to our life, our story and our behaviours/emotions connected to our food source. It is an important role in my teachings and offerings that I open up discussion in this area from a purely creative and curious standpoint. The focus in this teaching is about learning of the story of a client’s food story and as we embark on a beautiful journey of acceptance and true compassionate understanding then there is incredible aha moments that empower and open the way towards self and how our environment both past, present and future has the potential of having a powerful adverse effect on our choices and behaviours. However with support and guidance to tap into the empowerment skills & teachings in Elevated Connections Offerings, it offers closure & self-love to hurt aspects of the self and the life’s stories that can hold oneself stuck.
Holding Sacred Space
Holding sacred space for emotional releases is an honor and very powerful transition from physical healing into the combined emotional & mental elements restructuring themselves. This form of healing only occurs when the client is safe, feels ready and able to open up to this new aspect of self and their life’s stories. When unifying the foundations of a person’s being, great insight, clarity and creative aspects of the self have the chance to rise to the surface. There is a marriage of emotion that may occur through any process or transfer of energy within a person’s life.. including but not limited to the 5 emotional states of anger, fear, grief, abundant empathy and joy(felt from within or outside of one’s self). Every obstacle experienced in life will likely walk us through these emotions to some degree. My role in this very personal and expanding healing experience is offering connected space for your courage, self love, compassion and intuitive to open up to the leveling up process it is currently experiencing. To be held in an energetic safety bubble of acceptance, non-judgement is a gift to host and honour for my clients. I consider this type of healing work as a beautiful connection to the vagus nerve. This autonomic nerve relays information throughout our entire body from our vital organs to our mind and in my opinion beyond… so the release of a stored amount of stagnant emotion in the physical can have a wide variety of side effects and the best course of action is to lean into the feeling of this transformation without making any part of it bad/good or putting labels on it if possible. It’s powerful information that is being re-digested and is adding proverbial tools to your tool kit. It can shift behaviours, concepts, perspectives and re-align you back onto your path of purpose and fulfillment. This form of healing can occur at the time of your session or several days to a week after your session (depending on your personal processing format).
Investment Options:
Intuitive Massage & Online Coaching Experience
(New Massage Clients – 6 month minimum investment)
- Paid in monthly installments of $225/month: includes 90min personalized intuitive healing session 1x a month.
- Within the in-person massage: 15min of pre & post care, 75 mins customized massage. Also gaining unlimited access to their personal online teachings of choice on the ElevatedConnections App, Access to special deals/promotions for Live and Online events, Automatic entry into GiveAways
Intuitive Healing & Online Personalized SelfCare Package
(Loyalty Massage Members) 12 month investment)
- Paid in monthly installments of $350 month: includes one 135 mins session or two 60min sessions within the month of personalized intuitive healing.
- Within the in-person massage: 15-20min of pre & post care, 50/120 mins customized massage. Personal 1-1 coaching/classes & access to Inner Circle Support. Also gaining unlimited access to their personal online teachings of choice on the ElevatedConnections App, Access to special deals/promotions for Live and Online events, Automatic entry into GiveAways, Free Gratitude Gift on renewal date
* Client are on a 6 month or 1 year automatic monthly payment plan
* Payment can be arranged thru e-transfer or via stripe
How it breaks down on a monthly rate:
90min healing session and 1 online course offering
120-135 min healing session(s) and 1 online course offering plus unlimited access to My Personalized Program (elevating into connections)
*new clients get one month free of online access to the Elevating into Connections Program to get them set up for their first in-person healing sessions & to dip their toes into the teachings