I am so grateful you have made your way here to get to learn a bit more about myself, my business & the blossoming heart based community we are building…
I am an intuitive teacher and healer that offers teachings in personal & group mental, physical and emotional health by re-connecting clients to their own inner wisdom & knowing. Together we create community, a safe space for expressing and feeling heard, respected and understood.
Audio Version
I have adored working with clients in-person, thru workshops, retreats and 1-1healing sessions for over 20years. I now feel ready to expand my teachings to help more people feel confidant, healthy & aware of the many simple and powerful tools that can enhance your thinking, problem solving and communication skills.
Finding & understanding your unique gifts, then utilize them to level up your life by releasing past stories of guilt, shame & distrust in yourself. It’s my truest wish to share tools and open up the path to your creative intuition with any brave Soul who is up for the Challenge.
Are you ready to lean into an amazing experience with me ???
You Are NOT ALONE… My own personal challenging MileStones of life experiences has brought me to this space in TIME. A Deep awareness of how Important the work I am doing and how I am ready and beyond excited to guide, teach and demonstrate to others how to tap into their unused resources, skills, joys, unspoken desires and passions to find a life filled to overflowing with Elevated Connections.
I have a lot of clients and past students from over the last 20 years that know my HandsOnTherapy business name, however I am excited to be extending my reach to Canada/States and then worldwide. As I am embarking on the next phase of expanding my business. It is a deep need to help more people and have a broader and more extensive reach to be able to share my teachings & also to be on this wondrous lifelong learning with others.
I’ve traveled around the world teaching & also continuously learning a variety of aspects of yoga, meditation, breath-work, intuitive bodywork & healing, mind/body counselling, plant/root medicine, sexuality concepts and inner/outer confidence work. My Teaching style is unique in that I come from a place of perpetual learner and Guide.. my life coach system is set up as a Choose your own adventure pathway of learning. I’m there especially at the beginning to guide, nurture and hold space as you find and establish the best ways forward FOR You!

HARD Life Lessons have a variety of ways of showing up in our lives, it’s how we choose to harness and lean into the growth that opens up the opportunities of how to take measurable, small Micro-steps forward to accomplishing key GameChanging experiences.
My own Personal life lessons have lead me to a fork in the road with how much I was able to help my clients & students.. my passion for helping others and truly feeling guided to re-connecting individuals, couples and family members back to listening to each other. To accomplish this, I found, individuals while needed to feel connected and empowered to themselves, by having a deep inner knowing of their needs, wants and desires.
My burning desire to bring a format of comprehensive and simple Micro-steps teachings to clients and students & meeting them exactly where they are in their unique life path has been percolating in my mind and subconscious for over a decade, so finally making this next step in my business has been a true test of inner and outer strength, perseverance and gratitude for all aspects of my learning.
It is my hope, my goal and my passion to begin to ignite an inner light that opens internal understanding of one’s self and this divine understanding that will ripple outwards into the lives and lessons of many others. The more understanding, compassion and joy one person brings forward in their life, evokes the same in others.
My mission is to have teachings that offer the opportunity to look within: in simple and practical steps so that each individual can take away what feels right to them and make the process uniquely their own. Then bringing that light forward they share with others and the expansion begins…
This idea, thought and concept thrills me to my very core and I only hope beyond hope that the ripple continues through the generations.
Having the opportunity to offer my skill set and teachings into an online learning format has helped me to be able to guide people back towards their own unique and powerful intuition & inner knowing. Teaching these tools to aid in navigating Life’s overwhelming & challenging lessons and repeated inner stories that may be holding them into downward spirals of not moving forward or being able to release past hurts that keep them in stuck patterns of self-sabotage. To be able to offer insight, support and tools has the potential to release clients from an inner dialogue of shame, judgment & dis-Ease that can take hold in the mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Hands on Therapy
In Person

The In-Person offerings we provide thru our Hands On Therapy Healing Page:
Gives the opportunity to Lean In more with clients to offer intuitive healing services that work to balance the mind & body.
These in-Person offerings include Massage and HandsOn Healing, Yoga, Meditation, Breath Work Classes and a variety of Workshops that include my teachings and so much more!
Elevated Connections
Online Programs & Workshops
My Online Programs & Workshops offer unique insights, lessons, ideas, concepts and tools.
It’s for those that are Craving connections to Self, others, environment, tapping into one’s own creativity and finding or RE-creating their unique Joy centre.
Forward steps in these highlighted areas can bring forward a feeling of hope and lead to a place of excitement, surplus energy and a strong feeling of being connected to self & others by feeling solid and strong in mind & body.
When we feel connected to ourself and our unique needs and wants then our inner soul space can get creative on making our reality work for our highest potential.
Gradual slow progression forward into new behaviors, releasing triggers and inner stories that leave us feeling stuck and powerless. Then magically transforming these concepts into the truth of understanding that Inner power and huge steps forward can be achieved in the Micro! Welcome to my Passion Project… from my mind, thoughts, experiences and trials and tribulations to YOU on an App that I am so proud of that has all the ways of being able to work with me and my growing Elevated Team of Connectors!
Connect With Us

3 Ways To Get Started?
1) Get to Know the Teachings:
Sign up for our email collection of quality bi-monthly podcasts and web classes.
Become a member to get free giveaways and discounts on the beginnings of our Elevated programs and courses
2) Get Learning:
Sign up as a member on our easy to use App to make direct purchases for a selection of programs and mini courses that you can invest in.
Invest in joining our team & members as we connect every First Thursday of the month for a quality in-depth discussions about where and what we are leaning into for our Learning (Q&A)
3) Get Support and Personalized Guidance:
Action steps with power means having someone in your corner that has done the steps and is invested in bringing you to that next level wherever you are on your chosen path. Sign up with any of our programs and courses to become an exclusive Member. Choose from a host of online and offline events and classes of interest. Have 1-1 coaching to really take your learning to the next level.